Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pussy Cat Baetis

Today feels like spring is here. Unfortunately, it is June and the vernal equinox should have been here in March/April...
With the river still pumping over 1000 below Boca, I headed above the bridge to one of my favorite hollows where the flow is around 300. The morning was filled with a down pour, in turn allowing the surroundings to lush out with spring colors.
Around the beginning of winter (while I was laid up from having two of my ribs removed) I fooled around with my own baetis pattern for the Truckee; a muddle of various baetis patterns out there.  When I figured out my own rhythm and became well enough to fish; I tied it on and landed some fish. Initially the truts landed with the pattern, I figured were a result of first cast luck... Today was a different story- I landed the two browns (pictured below) in the same hole with the same baetis. They are not fish to right home about but now I have the confidence to name the  fly and know I can tie it on with pride.
In light of being from Winnemucca-Proud Of It- I decided to name my prototype after one of the fine establishments designed for truckers- The Pussy Cat Saloon, now called Wild West Saloon. Considering I am an original gangsta from the town, Pussy Cat Baetis is the name destined for the fly...


rm said...


Josh "Chappy" Chaplin said...

Yeah! dog... I'll give ya some. Do want them toothless?

Sanders said...

Nice...great name for the new arrow!

Trout MaGee said...

glad to hear the new prototype is working nicely. Great looking fish.