Monday, February 20, 2012

Unionville, NV

Captain's Log- Star date 4576.09- Today we came in contact with the Borg...
Ooops!!! Wrong blog. If you are interested in reading about my adventures as the Captain of the Starship Winnemucca- I have nothing for you.
 Tip of the Day~ While driving on I80E through Nevada, you may think to yourself, "Damn, this place is desolate". So, instead of the harsh judgement, go explore off the beaten path & find some of the many treasures of Northern Nevada. Stop in Unionville, 20 miles west of Winnemucca.
Unionville may not be much, but it does have some cool history, as you can see above. It was home to Mark Twain, and has lush greenery (in the spring) and for those who keep up with Hollywood; Sandra Bullock often stays (stayed?) at the B&B in the town. 
This post has nothing to do with truts or angling, although, Nevada is home to some great fisheries.

I also wanted to gloat, that I had the opportunity to sit where Mark Twain spent a lot of time pondering his books. While I am showing you his "thinking room", I implore you to go for yourself and check out his home. You might even hook a few mini truts, from the creek above.



Mark Kautz said...

I've spent many a day in the wilds of Northern and Southern Nevada and they have some really cool places there.


Josh "Chappy" Chaplin said...

Ya buddy, glad you had the opportunity to explore and have appreciation for Nevada.